This is a place to rant, rave, support victims and get support from the toxic, dangerous and hurtful people in your life.
Are you familiar with the Narcissist’s Prayer? It’s almost a playbook of behaviors manipulating you into thinking you’re crazy or worthless. But you are NEITHER of those things! You MATTER! You are important and valuable. You are logical, sane and your feelings and trauma are valid. Don’t let anyone tell you any different.
Why “Mean Mouth Liz”?
Why am I called Mean Mouth Liz? It’s a nickname given to me by my mother-in-law. She is a liar, thief and world class BITCH. After 12 years of dealing with her hurtfulness and playing her games, I decided I wasn’t going to do that anymore. So, I set boundaries. I quit listening to her lies and allowing her to syphon money from me. But more than that, I began to expose her when she would fight with me once a boundary was set…and I must admit I didn’t do it nicely. I was honest and to the point but also used harsh language. After several confrontations with her she began calling me “Mean Mouth Liz” behind my back. I discovered it one day when I was over for a family affair, and she forgot I was present. She referred to me as my nickname right in front of me. OOOPS!! Lol. I’m proud of my nickname. I earned it by setting boundaries and refusing to allow someone to continuously take advantage of me. Is this website just about my mother-in-law? Hell no! I have an ex-husband as well as many family members on my husband’s side of the family that have pushed me beyond any niceness.
The bottom line is – narcissists and abusers can make you MEAN. The anger, frustration and disgust you feel turns you into a person who lashes out at the offender, as well as others around you. There is a term for this, it’s call REACTIVE ABUSE. Click the link to learn more. In short, it is a defensive mechanism. It’s understandable, but not healthy, and should be addressed in therapy. You also can be perceived as mean just by setting boundaries and refusing to participate in their toxic games. But that is just the abuser’s perception. You aren’t mean – you’re just SICK of their SHIT!